
effectVMTest :: Module → Derivation

Create offline tests for effect functions.

This returns a derivation that tests one or more effects using a NixOS VM test.


The only parameter is a test module. It is mixed in with the NixOS VM test framework and `hercules-ci-effects’ own options.


An attribute set of effects. These can be run with


effectVMTest {

  effects = {
    hello = mkEffect { /* ... */ };

  nodes.foo = {
    # ... A NixOS configuration running SSH or
    #     any other relevant service. ...

  testScript = ''

    # ... setup ...


    # ... assertions ...



Secrets to make available to the effects. These are added to the store, so don’t copy real-world secrets into this!


effectVMTest {
  secrets.deploykey.data = {
    publicKey = builtins.readFile ./test/id.pub;
    privateKey = builtins.readFile ./test/id;
  effects.deploy = mkEffect {
    secretsMap.ssh = "deploykey";
    # ...
  nodes.target = { ... }: {
    users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ ./test/id.pub ];


The hercules-ci-effects framework adds this VM. It is responsible for running the effects. You could modify the settings of this node, but most settings have no effect and the effects, because effects run in a sandbox.

Other nodes can be defined in nodes.<name> as usual.


For the other options, refer to the NixOS VM test framework documentation.