Deploy a NixOS Machine

This guide will show you how you can roll out a NixOS configuration when master is updated.

When an agent deploys itself, it interrupts its deployment. This is a sub-par experience that will be improved. Nonetheless, this may work well enough to be useful.


  • You have set up an agent for the account that owns the repository

  • You have root access to a NixOS machine

  • You have added a repository to your Hercules CI installation

Add an SSH Key

The agent needs valid credentials to log in, so we configure this before we add the effect.

If your agent doesn’t already have an appropriate keypair, add a secret to your agent’s secrets.json file.

Use the \n escape sequence to enter line breaks.

the ergonomics will be improved
  "default-ssh": {
    "kind": "Secret",
    "data": {
         "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n.....\n-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
         "ssh-rsa ..... default-ssh@hercules-ci\n"

Add the public key to your host /etc/nixos/configuration.nix

users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys =
  ["ssh-rsa ..... default-ssh@hercules-ci"];

and switch

neathost# nixos-rebuild switch
If you want to use your binary cache, configure it on the remote machine and nixos-rebuild switch. Although not a requirement, it is advisable when you have significant custom store paths and multiple machines or a slow connection to them.

Gather configuration

Copy the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and any dependencies like hardware-configuration.nix to your repository.

Determine the version of the Nixpkgs channel:

# nixos-version
20.09.1632.a6a3a368dda (Nightingale)

Find the SSH host key, locally in your SSH client state. Use the machine’s IP address or hostname:

$ grep ~/.ssh/known_hosts ssh-ed25519 AA.....

Alternatively, if you haven’t logged in there before, you can use ssh-keyscan, although you should verify the keys.

Use the commit id, hostname and host key to create a ci.nix file in your repository:

{ src ? { ref = null; } }:
  # replace hash or use different pinning solution
  nixpkgs = builtins.fetchTarball
  pkgs = import nixpkgs {
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    overlays = [
      (import (effectsSrc + "/overlay.nix"))

  # update hash if desired or use different pinning solution
  effectsSrc = builtins.fetchTarball

  inherit (pkgs.effects) runNixOS runIf;

  neathost = runIf (src.ref == "refs/heads/master")
    (runNixOS {
      configuration = ./configuration.nix;

      # this references secrets.json on your agent
      secretsMap.ssh = "default-ssh";

      # replace this with the appropriate line from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
      userSetupScript = ''
        writeSSHKey ssh
        cat >>~/.ssh/known_hosts <<EOF ssh-ed25519 AA.....

      # replace with hostname or ip address for ssh
      ssh.destination = "";


Try it

When you commit and push these files to a new branch (not master), you’ll see that runIf has turned nearhost into an attrset with dependencies and prebuilt derivations. These make sure your NixOS deployment effect is likely to work, but don’t perform the actual deployment.

When you create a pull request from your branch into master, and Hercules CI gives it a good status.

When you merge your branch into master, the job for master will have a effect that does perform the deployment.


Instead of master in refs/heads/master, you can make your deployment track other branches.

Multiple machines can be defined side by side in their own attributes, potentially tracking different branches if that fits your workflow.

For example, you can implement a staging/production setup with continuous deployment to staging and manually triggered deployment to production:

stagingHost = runIf (src.ref == "refs/heads/master")
  (/* ... */);

productionHost = runIf (src.ref == "refs/heads/production")
  (/* ... */);


You have completed this guide! Specifically you have used CI to trigger the deployment of an existing NixOS machine and you’ve configured it to track the right branch.

If you want to know more, you can check out the runNixOS function reference or read about the other effects in the menu.